
To See the Dream...

It's Friday, fellow travelers… and the Captain and I are off to look at more boats. Meanwhile, here's this week's video log that should give you a better idea of what we've been up to. Have a blessed weekend, and we'll see you on Monday!


  1. Praying that you find The Glory Be soon, real soon. When you find her will you sail to Austrailia? That would take some time! I hope you get to meet our kids out there. Have fun and drink in the northwest beauty! Blessings.

  2. P.S. Be sure to read my blog with the report for the book launch. We got as high as #14 in children's books!

  3. Thank you for those prayers, Carol, we can definitely use them with so many decisions to make. As for sailing to Australia, we might do that one of these days. But you're right, it takes a lot of time (especially at the pace we travel). This year, we are scheduled to fly. Oh, yes, and I'm looking forward to meeting your kids, I'll be getting in touch with them, soon.

    As for SASSY PANTS MAKES AMENDS reaching #14 on the book launch... I'm thrilled! Congratulations, and many respects... it's a wonderful book!
